Thursday, November 1, 2012

Midwest Magpies

It's always fun to ask questions of a best friend. Sometimes you are surprised, and other times you realize you know her pretty well. So, I did feel odd asking April Strasler some of these questions as I knew the aswers, but fair's fair and I wanted the answers in her words. 

When asked how she began creating this is what April had to say.   .I have been creative all my life, but the way I express it has changed constantly.

I then asked what her favorite media was to use as I have learned that April is talented in many areas. (You should see her home decor!) Her reply?.This year I'm offering a wide variety of Christmas decor. I use a lot of re-purposed and vintage components. I love the warmth and authenticity they lend my work, as well as being able to source things from garage sales, auctions and antique stores.

April's wreaths have been a favorite every year.

This year she's taken her love of holidays and created some great signs. 

When asked where she found her best supplies I was not surprised at her answer.My mom always loved vintage things and thrifting, and I think you can see that she succeeded in passing it on! I take my girls with me most of the time, and include them in my creative time. They love it-especially my 5 year old, who used  to call Once Upon A Child "the baby antiques store, because it's already used stuff, and better quality for the money, Mama"

 A great example of "repurposing" or "upcycling: found items... old trim and old doorknobs and you have a delightful shabby chic coat, clothing or jewelry hanger.

And don't you always want a special way to hang your Christmas cards? Now you can do so with style and a bit of glam with these glittered card clips. 

And finally, I asked a question that will help all of you to understand the beginnings of Art and Soul. April, how did you get involved with this art show? I've been involved in Art & Soul from the very beginning, helping brainstorm and plan the very first one. Encouraging creative women to do what they love is very near to my heart, and I can't wait to be a part of the show again this year!

So, if you want to see more of what April's found, created and/or repurposed I would come visit her booth. Look for her smiling face at Midwest Magpies booth on Saturday, November 17, from 10-3 at Chapmans'.

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