Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Scarf It

This marks Jay's third year with Art and Soul. Jay is a very talented artist, with a degree in textiles. 

Jay's business is "Scarf It" which is self-explanatory... she designs scarves. These aren't your every day, run-of-the-mill scarves, these are wearable art. I own several of her first scarves and receive many compliments each time I wear one. They are gorgeous, of excellent quality and a joy to wear!

When asked how she started creating Jay had this to say, "Now there is a long and twisted story. It might sound cliche but I've always loved making things from stories to images. When I was younger I did a lot of cross stitch and other fiber related work; however, it was only more recently that I came back to the fiber scene. I took a textiles class at IU and discovered all of the other wonderful things that are possible with fabric. Scarves are something that I love to look at and they allow me to simply play with the material and colors. It's simply a pleasure for me to make them."

I loved Jay's reply when asked about her favorite medium. "I guess it would be hypocritical of me to say something other than textiles, since that's what I have my degree in. However, I find that the medium I prefer to work with depends on my mood. Sometimes images appeal to me more than fabric and at other times words speak. In the end though, textile processes seem to be the form that truly does what I want it to, artistically and not merely for fun.
I then asked Jay about her favorite piece for Art and Soul. "I think my favorite thing this year are the new infinity scarves that I found. I'm also quite fond of a few of the new projects that I tried this year including sewing some of my own scarves, one of which happens to be my sister's new favorite. :)"

Don't miss Jay's booth. I'm sure you'll find an amazing array of textiles, colors and styles. Be sure to stop by on Saturday, November 17, from 10-3 at Chapmans',  for the Fourth Annual Art and Soul. 

Thanks to Jay's model, sister Anna, she did a great job of showing the beauty of Jay's work!

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